Phil Williams presents… Go Tell!
Where: Annapolis Royal Baptist Church
When: Saturday, December 7, 2024 at 2:00pm
A joy-filled Southern Gospel musical & dramatic Scriptural recreation of the Christmas Story.

Carson Fullerton Concert
Where: Annapolis Royal United Baptist Church
When: April 13, 2024 at 2:00pm
Free will offering. Refreshments to follow in church hall.

ADBA Council Meeting
DON’T FORGET the Annapolis Digby Baptist Association Council Meeting Via Zoom and in-person at the Nictaux Baptist Church, Christian Family Centre on Saturday March 25th at 10:00 AM. If attending by Zoom, please contact Fred Bigelow Association Clerk for the link to the meeting. Also, if you did not receive an email with the agenda, financial report and minutes of the last council meeting contact the Association Clerk. ADBA email: annapolisdigbybaptistassoc@gmail.com
ADBA Council Meeting
The Annapolis Digby Baptist Association Council Meeting will take place on Saturday March 23, at 1st Baptist Church of Annapolis Royal at 9:00 AM. It is hoped that we will have a good representation from out Annapolis-Digby Baptist Churches.
ADBA Annual Association Meeting
As it stands right now, we will be holding our Annual Association Meeting on Saturday, April 24, at Middleton Baptist Church, 10:00-12:30. This meeting will be about our ministry in the Pandemic: Past, Present & Future. Local Pastors Deann Carter and Dr. Danny Smith will share their church’s experience and wisdom, and help us see our future. Let us associate together! If gathering rules change and cancel this gathering due to a rise in Covid cases then we will announce here how we will proceed.
Due to Covid-19 health regulations our churches have had to cancel special events. Once these events resume they will be posted here again.
CHRISTMAS MUSIC CONCERT: Celebrating Jesus’ Birth
Everyone is welcome to the Culloden Baptist Church (1648 Culloden Road, Digby Co., NS). Nov. 30, 7PM. Concert features Brad Hewey followed by Refreshments and Jesus’ Birthday Cake!
Hanging of the Greens Service:
When: Bear River East Baptist Church
When: Sunday Evening December 01st, at 7:00 PM.
There will be a time of refreshments and getting together following the service. All are welcome!
Hanging of the Greens Service:
When: Saturday, November 30 at 7:00 PM
Where: Clementsvale United Baptist Church
There will be a time of fellowship to follow, and a freewill offering will be received. All welcome!
Christmas Concert. The Lawrencetown Men’s Choir will be performing their Christmas Concert at Inglisville Baptist Church on Sunday, November 24th at 2:30 p.m. All Welcome!
Induction Service will be held Sunday November 17th 3:00 PM at Wilmot Baptist Church for the Induction Service of their pastor, Gerry Bezanson.
Ordination Service will be held Sunday November 10th 2:00 PM at Melvern Square United Baptist Church for the ordination of their pastor, Keith Pineo.
Gospel Music concert will be held at the Bear River East Baptist Church on Saturday October 26th starting at 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM. Many musicians from around the local and Digby areas will be performing. There will be a free will offering at the door. Deserts and tea, coffee, juice, or hot apple cider for $4.00 will be served during the evening downstairs. Proceeds will go towards the building fund. All are Welcome!
Digby Ukulele Strummers Concert will be held on Sunday, October 20th at the Digby Baptist Church, 7:00 pm. Enjoy a program of sacred and secular music by these local musicians. Offering for Digby Baptist Church.
CBAC SUNDAY, Oct 27th. CBAC we’re inviting all CBAC churches to be a part of our 2nd annual CBAC Sunday. Let’s celebrate our shared mission and God’s faithfulness! Here’s what we’d like all our CBAC churches to do:
– Give some time in your service to share about the CBAC and celebrate our shared mission. Invite someone from the CBAC to speak.
– Use all or a part of Dr. Peter Reid’s message from Oasis 2019.
– We’ll provide a few videos for you to choose from to share.
– We’ll provide a reading for you and your church to read aloud together.
– Take up a special offering for the CBAC above your regular giving.
Association Council Meeting of Annapolis-Digby Association will be held Oct 26th from 9am – noon at 1st Baptist Church in Annapolis Royal. Refreshments provided. All invited.
Induction Service at Nictaux Baptist Church for their new pastor, Rev. Jeff Milne will be held on Sunday October 20th at 3:00 PM at the Nictaux Christian Family Centre in Nictaux. There will be a time of fellowship following the service. All Annapolis-Digby Baptist Association Churches are invited to attend.
Gospel Concert will be held on Sunday Oct 6 at 6:30pm at Rossway Baptist Church. “On Eagles Wings Ministries” Featuring Canadian recording duo: Noel and Beverly Facey. This will be a great evening of praising God with Country, Southern and Old Time Gospel Music that you won’t want to miss. Everyone welcome. Please come and bring a friend. Refreshments will be served.
Musical Evening on Saturday, August 24th 7 pm at First UBC of Annapolis Royal. Please join us for a special evening hymn sing of highlighting hymns. This event is part of the 145th anniversary of the building of the First United Baptist Church in Annapolis Royal. The event will be presented by members of the Baptist pastorate choirs of Granville Ferry, Granville Centre, and Annapolis Royal and narrated by Graham Smith who will provide a brief background on each hymn. Refreshments will be provided. Free-will offering. We hope you can join us.
Oasis 2019 held from August 22-24 at Crandall University, Moncton, NB. Oasis is our annual gathering for a time of spiritual refreshment for all that come. You will experience inspiring times of worship, challenging speakers, a variety of seminars and late night options designed to appeal to all ages! Oasis Kids and Oasis Youth make this an event that is truly designed for the whole family. See you there! Click here for all the details and to register.
First United Baptist Church of Annapolis Royal is hosting an evening of Gospel Music, featuring Brenda Geneau, a very talented and recognized musician from New Brunswick. Brenda has won a number of awards, including being awarded Female Artist of the year for the New Brunswick Gospel Music Hall of Fame in 2002. This will be held on Sunday, August 11th at 7pm. A freewill offering will be taken and afterwards, there will be a time of fellowship. Everyone Welcome.
Westport Baptist Church : Invites all to come celebrate the induction of Rev. Immanuel Mutale as pastor on Sunday July 21st at 2:30 pm with a reception to follow. (Note: Westport Baptist is on Brier Island; the ferry leaves on the 1/2 hour from the mainland for Long Island and Brier Islands).
Lower Granville Family Day Service : This service will be held at 3:00 pm at Port Wade Baptist Church on Sunday, June 9th, 2019. Rev. Deann Carter will speak and special music will be provided by the Granville Kitchen Party. The service will be followed by a potluck supper. All Welcome!
Annapolis-Digby Baptist Association’s 2019 Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday April 27th 9:00 am – 3:00 PM at Digby Baptist Church. The theme this year is Congregational Living. Our speaker is Rev. Joanna Doak, Youth & Creative Outreach Coordinator.
Victoria Vale Baptist Church Gospel Concert : Sunday April 14, 2019, 3:00 PM at Parker Hall (across from Church)
Come to a Gospel concert and Sing Along with Old and New Classics of Faith, Hope & Encouragement featuring: ‘THE GOSPEL LITES’. There will be a free will offering, Light lunch and refreshments served afterwards. Come and join us in praise and worship
The World Day of Prayer 2019 is Friday March 1st.
What is World Day of Prayer? It’s Christians from over 170 countries coming together in spirit, uniting to pray for relevant issues affecting women and children. This is a reality: the movement has been active for nearly 100 years. Each year, a different participating country writes the service. The World Day of Prayer is traditionally celebrated on the first Friday of March. It’s Informed Prayer and Prayerful Action. Christians from over 170 countries coming together in spirit, uniting to pray for relevant issues affecting women and children. This is a reality: the movement has been active for nearly 100 years. Each year, a different participating country writes the service. Each year, a different host country prepares the content, highlighting its culture and regional justice issues.
This year the resources have been prepared by Christian women from Slovenia. Check out the nearest service locations here.
14th Annual African Heritage Celebrations
Join the community at Digby Baptist Church (2 Mount St.) on Feb. 10th at 7 pm to celebrate African Heritage, with music and fellowship after the service. See poster for musical line-up. Free will offering.
Team Rima Update
Team Rima and Hill Grove Baptist Church want everyone to know that our 2 sponsorship applications for 6 members of Rima’s family have been accepted by the IRCC office. We pray the family can arrive before 2019 ends, in the meantime we fundraise. Check out the Team Rima Facebook page:
Christmas Gospel Jam
Sunday, November 25 at 2:30 p.m. Held at the Inglisville Baptist Church. Come join us for some great Christmas Music. Featured musicians, see Poster for details.
Team Rima Update:
We are so excited to announce that we will be sending in the refugee applications for Rima’s 6 family members by November 30th 2018, (ahead of the original timeline of Spring 2019)!
To support Team Rima’s refugee sponsorship, contact the co-chairs: Sharon White or Jill Balser at reunite2families@gmail.com
1st Baptist Church of Annapolis Royal
Saturday, November 10th, 2018, at 7pm There will be a Musical Evening at 1st Baptist Church of Annapolis Royal, featuring Betty Crouse, Lois Gavel and Loretta Haight. A Freewill offering will be taken to assist with cost of church building maintenance and a time of fellowship with refreshments will follow the service. See the Poster. Everyone is welcome!
Gospel Concert at North Range Baptist Church
Everyone is welcome to join us at North Range Baptist Church on Sunday Sept. 30 2018 at 6:30 PM for a Gospel Music Night. Bring your instruments and join us in singing God’s praises!
Churches of Annapolis Digby Association – Hymn Sing
There will be a hymn sing at Port Wade Baptist Church on Sunday, September 30 at 3:00 pm. It will be followed by a potluck supper. All Welcome!
Gospel Concert at Inglisville Baptist Church
Sunday, August 19th at 7:00 P.M. featuring: Just for Fun – Betty, Lois, Patsy and Zilla and others. Everyone welcome.
Musical Evening at Clementsvale United Baptist Church
Saturday, August 11 at 7:00 pm with Alfie and Sharon Bright. A time of fellowship to follow. All welcome!
Rev. Elizabeth Amirault’s Retirement:
You are cordially invited to an afternoon social in honor of Pastor Elizabeth (Libby) Amirault’s Retirement.
Please RSVP stuart.crawford66@gmail.com or call: 902-765-0033 by July 14 th
Date: Sunday, July 29th, 2018 at 2pm Place: Melvern Square United Baptist Church 377 Stronach Mt Rd, Melvern Square
Team Rima: The ‘Singing Shepherds Concert’ kicks off Team Rima’s fundraising. Music played and sung by many of the local clergy in support of Team Rima as they kick off their fundraising campaign. Concert details: June 9th @ 7 pm at Digby’s Grace United Church. Offering at the door for Team Rima. Click on the poster for more details! #ReunitingFamilies
Annual Roll Call Service at Clementsvale United Baptist Church
You are invited on Sunday, June 3 at 4:00 pm to our Annual Roll Call Service. Potluck Supper at 5:00 pm, followed by a Gospel Music Concert with “On Eagles Wings” at 7:00 pm.
Team Rima: It’s been just over 2 years since the Kenaan family of 8 arrived in Digby on Dec. 22nd 2015. They are adjusting well to life in Canada and really like living here in Digby! The parents (Shekrallah & Rima) are very thankful for their sponsorship from the Canadian Refugee Sponsorship Program, Hillgrove Baptist Church, and the many wonderful people in the community who made this journey possible. However, Rima’s mother, 4 siblings, and 1 niece are also refugees in Lebanon. ‘Team Rima’ wants to reunite these 2 families! Let’s work together and bring her family to safety in Digby!! The application for sponsorship will be sent March 2019. In the meantime, the #ReunitingFamilies Campaign has begun!
Click here for family portraits and the campaign summary! Contact Lic. Sharon White reunite2families@gmail.com to join the movement!
Gospel Music Concert, SUNDAY, May 27th at 7:00 p.m. at Inglisville Baptist Church. Featuring: Frank Spinney; Frank Dobbin; Graham Moorehead. Come join us for some great Gospel Music!
The Lawrencetown Male Choir will be at the Bear River East Baptist Church on Sunday May 27th at 7:00 PM. There will be refreshments following the Music Service. A Free-Will offering will be taken. All are Welcome!
Pastoral Opening at the Melvern Square United Baptist Church!
Click HERE for a PDF of the job description. Please email resumes to stuart.crawford66@gmail.com or mail to Search Committee secretary: Stuart Crawford, 157 Vault Road, Wilmot, NS B0P 1R0. Please call Roy Lightfoot, Search Committee chairman, at 902-765-8743 if you require more information after reading through the PDF.
Sunday April 29th at 7:00 PM Centrelea United Baptist Church presents Gospel Music. A Free Will offering will be taken for Paradise Refugee Support.
Need Choir Gowns? First United Baptist Church of Annapolis Royal has a number of children’s/youth choir gowns available to any church who would like to have them for a children’s choir. If interested, please contact Sheila Journeay, at 902-532-2050 or 532- 1283.
Annapolis-Digby Baptist Association’s 2018 Annual Meeting
Saturday April 28th 9:00 am – 3:00 PM at Middleton Baptist Church
Theme: Mental Wellness A Community Affair
Speaker: Daisy Dwyer, President Kingston Greenwood Mental Health Association
This presentation will provide an overview of mental wellness. It will also examine the scope of mental illness in modern day society. Mental health literacy and stigma reduction will be reviewed. The Lunch menu will be ham, scalloped potatoes, mixed vegetables, and a desert; cost of $10.00 can be paid at time of registration at the door.
Mark your calendars, details have been sent via email to the churches for posting.
A Musical Evening will be held at First United Baptist Church of Annapolis Royal at 7 pm on Sunday, April 15th, 2018. Featured guests are Michael Bailey, Sharon and Alfie Bright, Susan Baltzer, Clementsvale Baptist Choir, and the Annapolis Royal Baptist Pastorate Choir . Fellowship time to follow. A freewill offering will be taken for Church building maintenance.
Coffee House: March 24, 7:30-9:30pm Advent Christian Church, Bear River
Live music featuring: Noelle Lucas, Brad Hewey, Frank Kinney, Alex Constable, Dan Bonnell, Mark Elley & More. Free Will Offering with Proceeds going to – Malawi Hunger Relief! All welcome!
Clementsvale United Baptist Church is having a Pre-Easter Service on Saturday, March 24 at 7:00 pm with hymns from Palm Sunday’s Triumphal Entry and Good Friday’s Cross, provided by: our own Church Choir, the Choir from First United Baptist Church of Annapolis Royal, Susan Baltzer, Rev. Nathan Waterman, Tilly Boudreau, and Peter Hutchinson. All are welcome to join us. A time of Fellowship will follow .
Pastors and Clerks: An email was sent out today with important information requiring a congregational vote. Below is a brief summary of email, please have your congregation vote and send the result to the Association Clerk by April 9th, 2018.
The Annapolis-Digby Baptist Association has received notice from the Charities Directorate of Canada Revenue Agency that the Associations Constitution is not valid with the Agency because it does not contain a “Non-Profit” clause. The Charities Directorate is requesting that we add the “Non-Profit” clause to the Constitution as soon as possible.
The necessary clause has been constructed below:
Annapolis-Digby Baptist Association will be operated without purpose of gain for its members, and that any profits or other assets of the Annapolis – Digby Baptist Association will be used solely to promote its objectives.
(see email for further details)
In order for the Association to include the above clause in the present Constitution, a notice of a vote and its result from your church needs to communicated back to the Clerk of the Association by April 9th, 2018.
Thanking you in advance for this assistance.
Rev. Fred Bigelow, Clerk – Treasurer
Annapolis-Digby Baptist Association
Annapolis-Digby Association Council Meeting
Our next Association Council meeting is set for Saturday March 03rd at First Baptist Church of Annapolis Royal at 9:00 AM. See you there.
Community Meeting Sunday Feb 18th 3 pm: Support Team Rima.
Get Informed! Get Involved! It’s been 2 years since the Kenaan family of 8 arrived in Digby on Dec. 22nd2015. They are adjusting well to life in Canada and really like living in Digby! The parents, Shekrallah & Rima, are very thankful for their sponsorship from the Canadian Refugee Sponsorship Program, Hillgrove Baptist Church, and the many wonderful people in the community who supported them on their journey. However, 7 extended family members of Rima’s are also refugees now in Lebanon. Let’s reunite this family! Let’s work together and bring them here to live in our war-free country! To start this process, we need community support & a core sponsorship team.
A community meeting is organized for Sunday Feb 18th at 3pm at the Digby Area Recreation Commission (DARC.; 27 Shreve St.) 2nd floor for everyone interested in supporting this sponsorship process through CBAC for Rima. From this meeting we will gauge community support and seek to form the sponsorship core committee! A Poster has been emailed to each church contact. Got questions? Co-Coordinators contact info: Sharon White (Digby United Baptist Church) 902.250.0089 and Jill Balser (YReach Settlement Staff) jill.balser@gmail.com
The Special Council Meeting for Saturday Jan. 6th in Annapolis Royal has been POSTPONED due to the current road conditions and the forecasted poor weather. When a new date and time has been determined, we will let you know by email.
SnoCamp 2018 is happening at Kingswood Camp Feb 9th to 11th
This is for grades 6-12. Cost of retreat is $60/youth.
Registration will open up in January 2018 and will be available online at www.kingswoodcamp.ca
Individual youth will need to register online, rather than registering as a group through the youth leader.
Saturday January 6, Association Council Meeting: 9 am – 12 pm
As an Association Council, we will be meet 9 am at First United Baptist Church of Annapolis Royal. This will be an important time to discuss what and how we go forward as an Association together. See you all there!
Inglisville Baptist Church invites you to join them at their Christmas concert of carols and readings. Featuring George and Loretta Piper at Inglisville Baptist Church, on Sunday, December 10 at 2:00 p.m.
Sunday December 3rd 2017 at 7pm
Hanging of the Greens Service in the Bear River East Baptist Church.
Saturday December 2, 2017 at 7PM Christmas Music Concert
Everyone is welcome to a CHRISTMAS MUSIC CONCERT Celebrating Jesus’ Birth at the Culloden Baptist Church, #1643 Culloden Rd. Digby Co. N.S. Featuring: “Alfie & Sharon Bright”. Refreshments, with Jesus’ Birthday Cake afterward! Clickhere to see their poster
Tuesday, November 28, 2-6 PM Christmas Open House
No Admission Cost, 62 Connaught Avenue Middleton. There will be a Christmas Flag at the end of the driveway. This is a 2-storey home with steps inside and outside. Please bring along an extra pair of shoes to wear inside and a bag to put them in. Hosted by: The Taylor Family who have decorated their home for Christmas.
Tuesday, November 28, 7-8:30 PM (Doors open at 7PM)
Christmas Dessert Tea & Sale at the Nictaux Christian Family Centre. Cost of Dessert Tea…………Freewill donation. Bake Table, Pickles/Jam/Jelly, Homemade Chocolates, Crafts/Sewing/Crochet/Knitting and $2 Gift Bags. Hosted by: The Nictaux Baptist Friendly Auxiliary.
Sunday November 19th @ 7:00 PM
The Digby Men’s Choir will be at the Bear River East Baptist Church. All Welcome!
Sunday November 19th @ 7:00 PM
Hill Grove Baptist Church will be hosting an evening of music by the talented musical group “Sonlight”. Click HERE for poster!
Saturday November 18th, 2017 – Dessert by the Fireside: 2-4 pm
Come and sample delicious desserts, with tea and coffee in a festive, holiday atmosphere at the Ashmore Bethel Baptist Church, (5797 Hwy 1 Weymouth). Relax and refresh with friends, $5 per person, put on by the Ladies Group of Ashmore Bethel Baptist Church.
Click here for their poster!
Sunday November 5th @ 6:30 PM
All are welcome to a Music and healing service at Rossway Baptist Church on Sunday November 5th at 6:30 pm.
The 2017 World Day of Prayer
The Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer will be held at Middleton Baptist Church on November 6 at 1:30 p.m. for tea and fellowship with service commencing at 2 p.m. All women are cordially invited to attend this event.
Wednesday, November 1, 11:00 -3:30. at Immanuel Baptist, Truro, Nova Scotia
Dear Association Moderators and Pastors
In response to a request from the Eastern Valley Association, the CBAC Council are inviting you to come and help us listen to each other as we look to shape the future of the Associations of the CBAC. We are asking that you mark your calendars and come to Immanuel Baptist, Truro, Nova Scotia, Wednesday, November 1, 11:00 -3:30.
Please let us know if you are able to attend OR unable to attend by going to the link at the end of this paragraph and inputting your name and either clicking on the box under the date (to attend) or the box below the poll to the right to let us know you are unable to attend. Lunch will be included for all who pre-register via this poll. https://doodle.com/poll/8ixv8f6exrta85dq
If you have any questions or would like some clarification, please contact at wendy.jones@baptist-atlantic.ca
Cluster Grant Applications Deadlines are Oct 31st 2017
Cluster Grant Applications are available for those churches who may need funds to begin a new ministry in their church or to carry on with one that has been started recently. The completed applications need to be sent in or emailed back to the Association Clerk by October 31st 2017. Talk with you own church clerk or Pastor for the application.
Fall Association Council Meeting: Saturday October 28th at 9:00 AM
Our next Association Council Meeting is Saturday October 28th at 9:00 AM at the First United Baptist Church of Annapolis Royal. Come on out to your Council meetings, we need the input of all our pastors and members-at-large. Hope to see you there!
Ordination Service of Pastor Mark Cress: Sunday October 22nd, at 7:00 PM.
Mark your calendars and come on out to the Ordination Service for Pastor Mark Cress, Smith’s Cove Baptist Church on Sunday October 22nd, at 7:00 PM.
Church Surveys Due by October 20th
To all Pastors and Church Clerks: The survey sent out on September 22nd needs to be filled in and returned to the Association Clerk, Rev. Fred Bigelow by October 20th.
1837-2017 180 th Anniversary
HILL GROVE UNITED BAPTIST CHURCH is very proud to be celebrating 180thanniversary of witnessing and providing outreach ministry in our community. You are cordially invited to join us as we commemorate this milestone in our history.
Date – Sunday, October 15, 2017 at 7.00 p.m.
Place – 3301 Ridge Road, Acaciaville, N.S. (Just south of Digby)
Our guest speaker for this special anniversary service will be Rev. Dr. Peter Reid, Executive Minister, Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada. Come and be part of this celebration!