A note from the ADBA:

The ADBA Share and Lend Network is meant to be a tool to help ADBA churches and their leadership share resources with each other; this is not a place to advertise items for sale. If a church, or its leadership, has a resource to share or lend, someone authorized to act on that church’s behalf should contact Meghan at adba.sharing@hotmail.com. Please provide the following

  • Name of resource
  • Two to three sentences describing the resource
  • Contact information (email) for who to contact if someone is interested in using this resource.
  • A picture of the resource, if possible.

Please remember, this page will only be as helpful as it is accurate, so if a resource is lent out or no longer available, please contact Meghan to have the appropriate changes made to the listing.

When borrowing items, please be honorable with your use of the materials. Take good care of the material and return in a timely manner.